Running on the treadmill can ease period pain

Running on the treadmill can ease period pain

Roughly 25% of women experience period pain during the menstrual cycle: however, such a figure – which pictures a well-established situation once aged 25 – does not take into account the timeframe when dysmenorrhea is mostly experienced, namely from adolescence to...

“My body, my choice”: is that really so?

“My body, my choice”: is that really so?

Over the past forty years, women in several countries have quoted the slogan cried out by feminists in the seventies (“My uterus, my choice”) to claim their bodily rights and their freedoms within the limits imposed by the law, including the right to abortion (often...

“Cycle syncing” involves physical training too. Nike says so

“Cycle syncing” involves physical training too. Nike says so

All teenage girls have probably experienced some kind of embarrassment at school, doing physical education exercises when they were on their period. Fearing that the pad might not do its job, feeling clumsy and pretty far from athletic. Perhaps, though, those...

Folate, Omega-3 and polyphenols boost female fertility

Folate, Omega-3 and polyphenols boost female fertility

If you’re trying to have a baby you probably know there are ways to either favour or hinder the possibility of getting pregnant, and what you eat actually factors in the equation. Female infertility can be caused by a number of factors and a proper diet is not a...

The Milanese nights of a party-hard girl

The Milanese nights of a party-hard girl

Life of the Party, a book by Tea Hacic-Vlahovic – actress who regularly enjoys Milanese nights, foundress of an innovative magazine and author of a podcast whose title is all but reassuring – has been recently released in Italy. NSS Magazine interviewed her and we’re...

Menstrual cycle and swimwear: an eco-friendly alternative

Menstrual cycle and swimwear: an eco-friendly alternative

In her lifetime, a woman uses some 12,000 sanitary pads, thus producing a huge amount of waste. That’s why wearing a swimming suit during the menstrual cycle poses a bit of dilemma: wearing skimpy swimwear doesn’t always go well with sanitary pads or tampons, nor is...

Our skin talks to you. Can you understand what it’s telling you?

Our skin talks to you. Can you understand what it’s telling you?

It’s the largest organ of our body, yet it is often simply labelled as “superficial”: but the skin is actually a crucial organ, which can help us assess the state of health of our entire organism. The importance of the skin is described in the book “La pelle lo sa”...

Have You Ever Asked Yourself?

Have You Ever Asked Yourself?

How often should I see a gynaecologist? How often should I get a pelvic scan? Why? What are the benefits of regular visits? All sexually active women should see a gynaecologist regularly, at least once a year, or whenever a gynaecological issue shows up. The purpose...

Waiting for a very special Oscars night

Waiting for a very special Oscars night

On Sunday, April 25, 2021, the world’s most famous and sought-for cinema prize will be awarded: the 93rd prizegiving ceremony of the Academy Awards will be held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, two months later than originally scheduled, owing to the situation we...

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